Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Philippe's birthday is in nine minutes!!!!!!!

::runs around house screaming::

Make that 7.

From a message to Philippe:


So there's this weird thing that happens when you're a senior. The day you get back to school after spring you suddenly realize...

What the HELL am I doing here?!?!

Being a fourth quarter senior is almost as pointless as trying to make Mrs. Helmstetter laugh. ::coughtrollcough:: Yet the teachers refuse to admit this. They still give you essays and homework and blah blah blah, who CARES?!?!? English is the most ridiculous of them all. She can not think of one single interesting or creative assignment EVER. I wish I could get credit for my blog...at least that would inspire me to write good stuff.

Or she could have us write stories. But she has us write the STUPIDEST SHIT EVER. She takes things that COULD be creative and interesting and makes them SO BORING that I want to take every single book in her classroom and glue them all together into a nice piece of artwork just so that maybe she'd stop talking long enough to scream in horror at what I'd done. Not that it would really solve anything. But it would at least keep me amused and using glue is kinda fun sometimes.

I still like Bio though. We're learning about genetics. In class today I actually screamed out, "OH!! IT'S SEX LINKED!!!" And then I asked Mrs. Hershey if I was gonna get psoriasis or however it's spelled. And I get to talk to Linda and Rebecca and Stephane. Bio is the best.

Every other class though is just ridiculously stupid. English in particular, as I've gone over. Except that Sociology is kinda fun 'cause we just annoy Rodriguez all period long.

But anyway, you know you really love this new layout. C'mon. I couldn't stand those damn boxes anymore, they were annoying the hell out of me.

Yeah, I have a new template. And a new title 'cause oh WOW did "Robin's Excuse for a Webpage" SUCK.

WTF to that random avacado looking thing on the top of the page.

But I'm hungry and it's late and I have to take a shower. So I'll write something later. Maybe about the trip? We shall see. I need to fix my mac and cheese craving RIGHT NOW.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003


Oh, the irony!

Miles, you better be reading this!!!

So yeah, while I was out taking my lifeguarding test (which I passed, more on that later) Mr. Cohen called. My mom said that she told him where I was and he said, "Oh, that's nice....too bad there's no swimming at Columbia this summer."


Now you have to be a lowly yellow shirt like the rest of us, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

::bites finger nails::

To take the test or not to take the test?

Reasons why I should take the lifeguarding test:

It'd be good to finish the program, I guess
Being a lifeguard gets you more money and makes getting a job easier

Reasons why I should not take the lifeguarding test:

I'll probably fail as I'm bad at getting a submerged victim and never even practiced getting a submerged victim with a back or neck injury.
I've had water in my ears for two days straight.
I don't think I really want to be a lifeguard.
I'm not the strongest swimmer around.
Fear of drowning while trying to rescue people
Fear of killing someone

::cries:: I don't know what to do I hate this WAAAAAHHHH

Sunday, April 20, 2003

I'm SLEEEPY! So this is what's been going on the past two days:

Yesterday I woke up around 8:30 to go to temple with Matt and his family 'cause Matt was reading this big long thing that I'm going to spell wrong if I try to put it here. Matt picked me up at 9:45 and we went to his temple and I actually like it better than mine. Actually...I like all temples better than mine, practically. For some reason, I think at my temple, because everyone's reform, they all feel so guilty about being reform and not feeling "Jewish" enough that they torture themselves during services and it's boring and horrible. At my temple everyone stays in the synagogue for the whole service, except to go to the bathroom or something, and everyone is quiet the whole time except to read when it says the whole temple should read. At Matt's, people hung out oustide, people would sometimes talk to each other, and everything was just much more relaxed. It was a much friendlier feeling.

But anyway, I saw Mr. Cohen there! And he was like "My former student! Hi!" and that made me really happy 'cause Mr. Cohen is just so nice and everyone loves him. Matt read his part (sang it, actually) and it was really good. Yay Matt! I'm so proud of him.

After that and some hanging out, it was off to Pennsylvania for Laurel's surprise party. Which was extra surprise-ful 'cause her birthday's not actually until June. But this is when her mom could plan it and when she was sure people could go, so that's when it happened. I showed up a little before most of the people and it was kind of weird at first 'cause I really didn't know anyone. After Laurel got there (she was VERY surprised) it got a little better, 'cause she introduced me to people and that was good.

They had a DJ and a kareoke machine and I did something crazy and actually sang kareoke. In case you don't know, I have this HUGE fear of singing by myself in public. But first of all, everyone else was really horrible so I figured if I was really bad it'd look like I'd done it on purpose. Also: I didn't know any of these people. So who cares if I screwed up, I'd never see any of them again. So I went up and sang "I Will Survive" and it turned out really well. I actually got a lot of compliments and some kid randomly came up to me and was like "Are you a professional singer?" to which I answered "No" and then he left and I started cracking up. But it kinda made me happy. And the actual singing part was a lot of fun, 'cause eventually my nerves went away and it was just soooo much fun to be singing in front of people.

But I'm still too scared to sing at cabaret night, so shut up. It's different to sing "Adelaide's Lament" than it is to sing "I Will Survive".

The party was okay. Laurel was really surprised to see me there, because I had to drive two hours to get there and I had just seen her at the seder a few days before and hadn't said a word. Haha. Everyone there has a nickname. Laurel decided I needed a nickname and they named me "Avril" (gaaaahhh nooooo) 'cause of my last name and because I'm sarcastic. But ich, Avril?!?! I hate her!

Slept over at Laurel's and stayed up much too late. Had lunch/breakfast and then came home. Tra la la.

Oh yeah. And some kid asked me if I wanted to see his "shaggin' wagon". I declined.

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Yeah, I should DEFINITELY be asleep right now.

I have to get up at like 8...oh well.

So it's Passover and that kinda sucks 'cause I miss my pasta. But actually I'm evil 'cause I had pasta tonight when we went out for Mari's birthday. That was fun. We were at an Italian place, what else was I supposed to eat?

This is a very disjointed entry because I'm kinda tired and getting very hungry.

I got my report card. And for the first time in my life, my parents really didn't give much of a shit about my grades. Admitedly, they were better than I expected. And I was expecting my parents to throw a fit, but this is what happened. I got a ride home from Miles' house where we were wrapping presents (haha, Mike drove me, that's so great...sorry, I'm just so used to giving Mike rides and then he gave me and Matt one)....

Mom: We got your report card today...
Robin: (timidly) Oh..?
Mom: Yeah, it's on the banister.
Robin: (sounding completely defeated and possibly slightly whiny) Are we gonna fight about it again?
Mom: No, no fighting. Just get a better grade in English next time 'cause you're just slouching about it now.

Hahah, that was so great. I was really gearing myself up for some huge all out battle with my parents and it was NOTHING. Really because my grades were a hell of a lot better than I thought they would be.

Orch: A (duh)
Chorus: A+ (damn straight)
Fitness: A+ (yay! Lobo is my hero!!)
Bio: D- (whatever, I passed. I think mostly 'cause I went to her a lot for extra help and did that extra credit thing and 'cause she likes me but I just don't study for her tests, so I suck. She said I was a constructive influence in class, so that helps)
Sociology: B+ (AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That's so great!!! That day we accidently cut 7th we were going to class and I ran into Rodriguez. I told him what happened and he's like "Oh whatever, you didn't miss anything, just grades and stuff. You passed. Got a D+ or something" and he walked away. And I TOTALLY believed him!!! Hahahahahaahahahah, I'm so incredibly happy about that one.)
Math: A- (also so great. Because I didn't do one homework assignment (all three that we actually had) the entire marking period, I got a 60 on the one test we took 'cause I missed the day we learned some of the stuff (he might have just graded what I had done, and in that case I got 100) and basically did no work all marking period. Except that he knew I could do the work 'cause when we did computer stuff I always knew what I was doing. Yay for teachers who don't care so much. :-) )
English: C- (eh, what can I say. I'm a slacker. But I seriously hate that class, it's the same thing over and over thatn I've been doing since 5th grade. Read a book, write an essay, read a book, write an essay, do a dumb monotonous project (for a change), read a book, write an essay. We never get any actually creative assignments or anything. I miss 10th grade English when most of the stuff we did was creative writing stuff, that was great. Aw, that was so much fun. Anyway....I hate English. And therefore I do nothing in the class except debate stuff. So oh well, I'll do better next time I hope.)

So yeah, my grades were okay. But now I'm being yelled at to go to sleep. So I will. G'night.


Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Oh how I wish I had something prolific to write in my blog...


Oh how I wish my blog worked EVER

I think I should change my template.

It's passover and I have a sedar soon. You know, that Jewish thing with the matzah and the drunk people.

But yeah...my dad's leading the sedar which my grandfather used to do so I got home and was sitting finishing my ice creamy drink and got all excited 'cause my grandparents were coming and I'd get to see my grandfather and that was good 'cause I hadn't seen him in awhile...
but then literally half a second later or so I remembered why I hadn't seen him in awhile. So today is kinda sad. That's probably why I've been slightly bummed out for half of the day today, it's just been in the back of my mind and I didn't really think about till I got home.

Yeah, I write too much about morbid things. Anyway, Laurel is coming to the sedar tonight which will be cool and there's no WAY I'm saying the four questions as I'm not only not the youngest, but I'm not even legally a minor anymore. So HA.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

So yeah, I'm growing out my bangs and whatever they're long and annoying, but the REALLY annoying thing is that they're getting all static cling-like and STICKING TO MY EYELIDS!! Blech. Very annoying.

Today in English we were talking about masks and how when you meet new people you put up a mask, and I said how I don't think that's true all the time. Sometimes I meet new people and it's intimidating and then yeah, I put up a mask, intentionally or not. But sometimes I meet people and automatically feel comfortable around them and then there's no need for a mask and I can just be myself. I think those are the people that I stay friends with actually.

But this made me think about how people act differently around different people. Like how I act differently around different groups of friends sometimes. Or I used to. Not in a bad way, just like my way of speaking would change or something. Like if I was talking to my music nerd friends I'd use a different style of language and different way of speaking then if I was talking to someone from my history class. Or if I'm talking to guys sometimes I'll talk differently than when I talk to girls. Or even the kind of rate that I speak at, like if I am talking to Linda I talk really fast because Linda talks really fast, and it gets into this whole giant mess of talking that no one can understand except us. That's funny.

But anyway...so random...just a thought since I see that in my blog sometimes...sometimes I write in very different styles, sometimes short and abstract or vague or funny or sometimes long and descriptive, or sometimes long and nonsense...it's weird...anyway....

Passover is this week. Gah. Must get foods that are actually edible for passover:

Matzah (but not to eat as just matzah, make into yummy matzah based things...regular matzah is disgusting)
String cheese (hehe, 'cause that's fun to play with)

And some other stuff. But now I'm tired. G'night.

Monday, April 14, 2003

4 months!!!!

Yay! Happy Anniversary, Matt. :-D

(Yes, I'm sappy dork, shut your face...that's right, shut your face)

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Found a place to post my pictures. I was bored. It's kinda blurry, but look:


Auto response from ANNASTAR1 (9:43:56 PM): You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest player in the NBA is Chinese, France is accusing the US of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war and and the 3 most powerful men in American are named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon'

Can anyone read this?

Saturday, April 12, 2003

::feels very very alone::

5 current facts about me:

1. I'm really bored
2. I'm still wearing pajamas
3. I finally saw Spirited Away last night (very good and pretty)
4. I found out that the same girl who did the voice of the girl in Sprited Away was the little girl from The Ring (!!!!)
5. Did I mention I'm bored?

Friday, April 11, 2003

Tada, last story of the night, unless inspiration strikes later on.

I'm writing weirdly tonight. Is weirdly a word?

Anyway, in Sociology Mr. Rodriguez had a really bad headache and just decided he couldn't teach so we had a free period. So we're sitting around talking, and some of us are trying to give him advice on what to do for his headache (take too many advil's, etc.). So here's a kind of transcript of sorts of what I can remember about this whole long conversation. I'm sure this is probably all wrong, but this is just the basics of what I remember. Please don't get mad at me if I used your name and you didn't actually say something or I wrote it wrong, I mean no harm, just to make people laugh, and I'll take anything out if people want me to. But hopefully it's all okay.

Rodriguez has a terrible headache and the medicine isn't working yet.
Some kid: You should try choking yourself.
Rodriguez: What?!
Some kid: Cuts off oxygen to the brain. Some people do it to get high, it's basically the same thing.
Rodriguez: And some people do it for sexual gratification.
Kevin: What'd he just say?
Robin: Some people choke themselves during sex.
Rodriguez: Gah! No! Teenage girls are not allowed to say sex.
Robin: Sex sex sex
Rodriguez: Gaaah!! (holds head in hands in horror...or pain..or both)
Deana: Mr. Rodriguez, you don't like to talk about sex? Your wife is pregnant!
Rodriguez: No, no one say "sex" or "pregnant"
Deana: What are you going to do with your son? He's gonna have sperm.
Rodriguez: Oh dear god, she said sperm.
Somebody says it's good how he isn't having a girl.
Robin: But you're gonna have to teach your son about sex, you're gonna have to be the one to do that.
Rodriguez: Gah, stop saying sex! Besides, it'll be a whole different thing psychologically than if I had a girl.
Deana: No, it'll be worse, 'cause boys masturbate a lot.
Rodriguez: (cringes) Oh my god (holds head in horror again)
Some girl: Yeah, boys are oversexed.
Some boy: No, we may think about sex a lot and be undersexed.
Some girl: Yeah, boys think about sex every seven seconds.
Robin: I heard that's not true, although they do think about sex a lot.
Will goes about trying to explain how they got that number for how often guys think of sex.
Some girl: Yeah, well I think about sex a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm oversexed...
Rodriguez: No! High school kids should not be talking about sex. High school kids should not be having sex.
Robin: Yeah, but that doesn't mean that they're not having sex.
Rodriguez: Gah, you started this!!
Robin: I did not! You did! You said the thing about sexual whatever!
Deana: No, (whoever it was) did! He said the thing about choking!
Rodriguez: But you started the whole thing!
Robin: I did not!!! He did!!!
Rodriguez: We should not be talking about sex in here.
Robin: Why? This is sociology. We wouldn't have a society without sex. Ooh, I just thought about another reason why it's good you're not having a girl, but I won't say it. But I'll tell Deana. (whispers to Deana)
Deana: (says loud enough so Rodriguez can hear, but says it to someone else) She said it's good he's not having a girl 'cause then she'd get a period.
Rodriguez: Oh god (holds head again)
Bell rings

It was actually even funnier than that. Hope you enjoyed.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Alright, post number two of the night. Buncha different weird stuff happened to me today, so I'll go in order of funniness/weirdness. The top is funniest. This one's in the middle.

Matt came over for dinner tonight. That was kinda funny 'cause I said this to my parents (which I had said to Matt earlier):

Re Judaism:
"You know what's kinda funny about being Jewish? We base our religion on some guy who heard voices and then chopped off part of his penis." - Me

I said this to my parents and they started cracking up and Matt was sitting there looking like he was thinking "Did she just say 'penis' to her parents?!?!?!" which was highly amusing...but anyway, that's not the story, just something I remembered....

So I was driving Matt home a little after eight and there's a line of stopped cars in front of us right in front of us. I stop directly behind the car in front of me, but I'm blocking a little of the side street above it, which I didn't really do on purpose, I just didn't stop in enough time to leave room. So anyway, I'm sitting there and this woman drives down the side street and then starts trying to edge in front of my car. Whatever. But then she starts doing it more and she's getting very close to the front of my car, so I honk at her. At which point, I look at her and she starts yelling at me through her window. Her window was open a bit, but mine was closed so basically I looked at her, saw her pointing and yelling at me, and just turned my head in the other direction to ignore her. I did that for about a minute then asked Matt if she was still yelling...she was. Nut case. It's not that big a deal. And I had the right of way anyway, even if it would have been more polite to let you in. Maybe I would have if you didn't try to RUN INTO MY FUCKING CAR YOU NUT JOB. So she continues yelling and finally the light turns green. The person in front of me drives away, and I turn to the woman, smile, and wave her forward. I figure it's better to have a moron in front of you than behind you. She just starts yelling again and waves me forward instead. So I shrug and drive away. Crazy Jersey drivers who act like they're from New York.

Is it wrong that a part of me kind of wishes I had let her hit my car just for the chance to call the cops on her?

Ah, what a day, what a day.

Let's begin with my library escapades:

So at school there's this ridiculous rule that you must get this special pass from the library if you want to go to the library during your study period. Okay, I guess it sorta makes sense as our library isn't that big and without a pass people would probably cut and go to the library a lot. But part of the rule is that you must get this pass ahead of time. So this morning I wanted to go to the library during my 3rd period study. I was too late to go before school, so instead I went during passing time between 1st and 2nd. After waiting a little while, I ended up being the third person in line for a pass. The girl at the front of the line doesn't have her ID and the librarian tells her she can't get a pass without her ID and asks her to move. So this girl starts getting an attitude and going "You know who I am, it's in my purse, blah blah blah I'd rather start a fight every other period than just wear the stupid thing blah blah blah". Finally she gets her ID out and gets a pass. The librarian moves to the next person and as she's signing the pass out the bell rings. The girl finishes signing and I ask for my pass. The response? "Sorry, the bell rang, I can't give you a pass anymore, you have to go to class."


So I leave muttering a few choice words and go to chorus.

Singing, singing, singing, omg I hate this class it's so boring it's draining the life out of me and I can't even hit half of these notes, more singing. The bell rings and it's attendance period. After some slight confusion I get Imhoff to write me a pass to the library so I can get a pass for third period instead of risking being too far behind on the line again and getting screwed over during passing time. The fact that I needed a pass to go get a pass really confused him. He finally just said, "Here, fill it out, do whatever you want." I think he hates me. Boo. So anyway, I go back to the library and have the following conversation with one of the librarians:

Robin: Hi, can I get a pass for third period.
Librarian: (looks confused) This is attendance period, you should be coming during passing time.
Robin: I have a pass from my teacher. Look.
Librarian: You got a pass from your teacher? But you're really not supposed to come now, you're supposed to come during passing time.
Robin: Yeah, I came before during passing time and the bell rang and I couldn't get a pass, so my teacher let me come now.
Librarian: You must want to be in the library really badly.
Robin: Ha, you should try staying in study that long.
Librarian: Oh, I see, you don't really have anything to do, you just want to get out of study.
Robin: No, I have stuff to do (note: not like I was actually going to do it), I just can't concentrate in study, it's too loud.
Librarian:....(I forget, something dumb and rude sounding)

But I got my pass. About damn time.

Why do the librarians try so damn hard to keep you OUT of the library? Shouldn't they be encouraging you to go there? I told my grandmother about these librarians (she used to be a school librarian) and she thought it was really weird. She said kids used to come and hang out in the library and talk to her when she was a librarian, and she didn't mind at all. She actually liked it. Why do I really have to come during passing time if I have permission from my teacher to be out of class? I'm not cutting and I'm coming ahead of time. It makes more sense to go during attendance period with a pass than to go during passing time and probably be late to class because of it.

And what business is it of the librarian what I want to do in the library? As long as I'm being quiet and not bothering anyone or adding pretty pictures to the non-picture books, what should she care? Most of the kids in the library aren't actually doing work anyway, they're on the computer looking up the Backstreet Boys or something.

I miss elementary school when we had library time every week and the library had lots of comfortable places to sit and read and the librarians liked it when you talked to them or asked them for help. Sigh.

Captain Planet
He's our hero
Gonna take polution down to zero

Sorry, stuck in my head. And now it's stuck in yours. WAHAHAHA...

Next up...

Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped turned upside down...

Finish it. You KNOW you want to.


This is the e-mail I just got from Diane:


Thats all I have to say. Because, if you get five million hits per day on the hit counter, its just me being like, "C'mon, woman, post!"

This is why Diane is cooler than you. And because she has the worlds greatest collection of fun tee-shirts.

But anyway, the reason I haven't been updating is that I just started this lifeguarding class which is very exhausting and I often don't get home until around 11, if not later. This weekend I was away, so no time to update then, either. But yeah. I'll update soon enough. Really I will. I'm just really tired right now and have been ALL week. Boooo...but I'll update and it'll be fun...sleepy...

K. Goodnight.


Tuesday, April 08, 2003

I am tired and feel slightly like a fuck up. So I'm still not going to update. Ha.

Monday, April 07, 2003

Waaaah I feel so boring.

My weekend in Boston sucked but I'll write more later 'cause I just realized I forgot to change the clock in here and it's actually 1:18 in the morning....FUUUUCK.

Tuesday, April 01, 2003


So I translated Mari's note to me from her blog and "mon petit ami es plus grand, plus blanche, et beaucoup mignon. engarde!" translated to:

"my boy friend be larger, whiter, and much nice engarde!"

Mari, I refuse to get involved in this boyfriend war. I am anti-war. War is not the answer. Let's agree to disagree.

(But Matt still kicks all ass in the best boyfriend department...)

Anyway, here is what's been going on:

Thursday: BIRTHDAY! Whee!! I wore my cool stripey pants to school for the first time 'cause I think they're pretty. Ms. Lobo sang happy birthday to me, and my friends got me a hostess cupcake with a candle in it at lunch and that made me so happy. I loves you guys. That's right. Loves. I'm being cute, shuddup.
After school Matt came over followed by Philippe who gave me his and Mike's present, a DVD of Donnie Darko, which I am still too frightened by the cover to watch. But thanks very much, guys. I'm sure I'll like it. I think I just need to not watch creepy movies for a little while as I'm still getting over the last one I watched. ::shudder:: But thank you very very much. Plus Philippe gave me a Snoopy shirt that was my very late Hannukah present (I still owe him a Christmas present, as I do most people). It is tres cool.
My parents took me and Matt (Matt and I? Blah, grammer...or grammar...damnit!!!) out to dinner at this Italian place in Summit. Yummy. Except later that when I was dropping Matt off I started to feel really sick. That wasn't cool at all. But all in all it was a nice day.

Friday: Went in late to school. School was eh, as usual. I watched Dogma and Chasing Amy with Matt. Dogma is a freakin' awesome movie, I adore it and want to go out and buy it for my very own. Yes, I'm a freak, shut up. But it was just so great. Chasing Amy was okay. Except I really want to kick Ben Affleck in the balls. He just pissed me off right from the beggining. But the guy who played Banky (Jason Lee is it?) is cool. I like him. So that makes 4 and a half out of 5 Kevin Smith movies that I've seen. Here is my order of favorites from best to worst:

Chasing Amy
Jay and Silent Bob whatever whatever, I only saw half of it and it seemed way too fluffy to me. Mostly 'cause I didn't know who half the people were.

So anyway, back to Friday. There was this thing with Matt's brother and his friends trying to spy on us or scare us or something. But we figured them out and made them beg and stuff. It's fun to harass Matt's brother...but he's actually an okay guy...shhh, I didn't say it.

Birthday extravaganza with Matt! This is all the stuff we did during the day:

First we went to Verona Park (I drove everywhere, be proud, as I hardly ever drive when it's the two of us.). We walked around a bit and I was sad that there were no boats, but we sat on a bench and watched some geese and made up funny stories about how they were having a war with the geese at the South Orange duck pond and how there was one goose who was in charge and some geese on look out...and basically it was just very funny and enjoyable and nice.

After that we were off to the Willowbrook Mall. And I dangerously cut off someone on the way there 'cause we were in the wrong lane and needed to get in the other lane fast. And that was no good.
The mall kinda sucked. It was way too crowded and annoying, so we got some food and then left right away. I hate big mall crowds where you can barely walk.

Then, BOWLING!! Haha, that's right, we went bowling again. It was quite an adventure. First we went to Eagle Rock, decided it was too crappy and we'd have to wait anyway, so we went back to Hanover, which was nice. We actually played like three games in a short amount of time because there was only two of us. I kept getting the most random splits and spares. Matt broke 100 (115, I think...yay Matt!) and then we went back out to the car to figure out what to do next.

After much deliberating, we decided to see Chicago (again) at Montclair. So we drove all the way to Montclair (it took quite awhile and it was really pouring hard) only to spend twenty minutes looking for parking and failing miserably. So guess what we did...drove BACK to Hanover in the pouring rain to see the movie. It really wasn't that bad, except I parked horrible next to a pole and ended up having a near panic attack trying to get out of the spot after the movie and almost scratching my car even more than it already was. The movie was just as good as it was the last time and then it was off to Olive Garden which was close enough that we could get there before it closed. Phew. It was about ten thirty by this time.

Olive Garden! There weren't too many people there, so we got there and were seated and ordered and Matt gave me my present. So there was this big tissue paper bag, and I pulled a box out. It was a box from a jewelry store. So I opened the box to find a bag from the jewelry store. I opened the bag to find...a smushed of matchbox car. See for Hannukah, he told me he'd get me a smushed up matchbox car, in honor of my smushed Saturn. I laughed and was like "Um..thanks" and then put it back in the bag only to be told that wasn't my real present and I reached back in the bag to find another jewelry box and this time there was a necklace inside. And it's so pretty. And I love it. And I love Matt (but not just 'cause of the pretty necklace). And I'm definitely wearing it all the time. And...yeah, I'm not gonna blabber on, 'cause I feel like a nerd doing so. Although I'm sure Matt feels pretty damn good about all this. Haha.

So we ate dinner and went back to my house and watched TV and then I was yelled at by my mom to take Matt home at one and that was a whole other thing and now I'm really tired. So good night.

PS I hate how I feel all violent and mean lately. It's no fun. K, good night.

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